JOURNEY OF SOULS by Michael Newton

Dramatically gusty, rainy days like today give us ample opportunity to burrow under the covers with a good book. If you’re not sure where to turn, try JOURNEY OF SOULS, an eye-opening book by Michael Newton (1931-2016), a hypnotherapist who lost his skepticism about the notion of past lives after a client who came to him for shoulder pain went into a trance and landed in a WWI trench being bayoneted during the Battle of the Somme.

Newton developed a technique that could take clients to what he called “Lives Between Lives.” As a result of his extensive research—over several decades and 7,000 cases—this book describes in remarkably compelling ways what happens after we die and before we choose to return to Earth (or somewhere else) in a new life.

No matter what religion you follow (or don’t), Newton’s clients make a strong case that we are all on amazing journeys, and life on Earth is a fascinating stop along the way. In short: When things seem “over,” they’re not. To say more would spoil it, but Newton’s work answers many questions, and if you’re feeling gloomy, this book will definitely lift your spirits. All puns intended.

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