THE BURNOUT by Sophie Kinsella

Depending on whom you ask, there are either five stages or twelve stages of burnout. Either way, the final stage is the same: mental and physical meltdown. While it’s not fun or funny to feel empty, exhausted, depressed, etc., somehow—somehow!—Sophie Kinsella has found a way in her latest novel, THE BURNOUT, to portray this situation as truly hilarious. What? Yes.

In this genuinely funny rom-com, the protagonist, Sasha, literally runs into a wall. She also attempts to join a convent as a way to escape her job. As part of her recovery, she goes to a winter seaside resort and ends up meeting Finn, who is also a mess. I don’t want to reveal much more. Suffice it to say that while I had plenty of other things I could have been doing, I could not stop reading this book.

If you find yourself in ANY of the five or twelve stages, this book would be a helpful antidote.

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Creator of The Literacy Cookbook (, I am an educational consultant who also happens to love to read incessantly. I found myself referring friends to so many books that it seemed like time to create a blog to record all of these recommendations. So here it is.
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